Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The blog may be a 'slacker' but not me...

As if the blog were it's own entity, I know, but seriously it may look like I have fallen off the face of the earth, but I have been juggling the 'hip' to do's in my life like nobody's business. Of course, the number one priority is getting the 'Hip' Army, armed and ready to spread the word... how I am doing that is what is taking some time. Obviously there is no 'hip'py godmother that is funding the ventures I have, so I am coming up with other ways to make ends meet for this very important mission. Non-for-profit seems to be the way to go and that is the avenue I have started to explore. Think about it. How cool would it be for every ortho and Children's Hospital in the USA and beyond (thank you Australia and Canada volunteers!)to be armed with 'Hip' Survival Kits for every new parent whose child is diagnosed with dyplasia? Don't you wish YOU had it? I know I do. I also wish I had clothes for Emma back then but that would have been putting the BabyHipWear cart before the horse, so to speak.

In other 'hip' news, I am so excited the Babycenter support group I formed is rapidly approaching it's 100th member. Though it still does not come close to hip-baby.org (and no, this isn't a contest) it makes me so happy that another online segment is finding comfort within a website they already have a bond with... when we hit 100 there will be a celebration courtesy of BabyHipWear! Speaking of celebrations.

It's June 2 and in a little over a month on July 4, 2009, BabyHipWear will celebrate our 1 year birthday! Big things planned for that milestone and all the 'hip' customers are sure to benefit.

Stay tuned and continued healing...

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