Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bathing in harness/spica cast

When Emma was first fitted for her harness at 3.5 months, I turned to the ortho in horror when she said she would need to be in it 24/7 and have a sponge bath ONLY. Spongebath ONLY?? For the three months she was guaranteed to be in the harness?? That was going to stink... in more ways than one.

I found that the 'bath' chairs (see above right) were the perfect solution as to where to place her for this 'oh so cheap' version of scrub -a-dub-dubbing she would have to go through the next few months. I wanted her to feel like she was in the 'tub' so I put the little bath chair in the tub and sponged away! That was all fine and good for washing her body, but her hair? Well that was a different ordeal, um , I mean story.

I would pick Emma up and hang her head over the side of the tub, trying to cover the harness straps with my one hand that was also holding her football style, and then pour water over her head with the cup in the other hand. Needless to say, I think I managed to keep the top of her straps dry about, hmmm....0% of the time.

What I didn't have, and hence later invented for BabyHipWear, was the HipCape. Think about when you go and get your hair cut. They put that huge cape over you. I took that concept and added some terry cloth (for extra absorbancy) at the neck and shoulders, some strategically placed velcro and voila! It's great for harness and spica to help protect the cast from getting wet.
Now you can REALLY wash that dirt right outta' their hair...

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